Winter Pool Care
Protect your pool from freezing temperatures
Occasionally, freezing weather makes its way into East Texas. A few precautions will make sure your pool and equipment are protected from damage caused by freezing temperatures.
If your pool is closed . . .
If your pool is closed for the winter, the pump and filter must be drained. If they were not drained when you closed the pool, make sure you drain them completely before freezing weather arrives. If you're not sure how to tackle this job, call us so we can provide instructions or arrange a service call to do the work for you.
If you tackle this job on your own, make sure you start by flipping off the circuit breaker for all pool equipment to avoid electrical shock. Follow the instructions in your filter manual to open the air valve on the filter, and remove the drain plugs from both the filter and the pump.
After draining and replacing the plugs, you may want to cover the filter. Wrap pipes that cannot be covered if temperatures will stay below freezing for several hours.
Winter maintenance for closed pools
Even if temperatures are milder, you still need to protect your pool by keeping the cover clear of leaves and standing water. A heavy load of water on top of the cover displaces the water inside the pool—and the chemicals go too! Also make sure to keep your cover clear of leaves that can rot and damage your cover.
​You should also peek under the cover every few months to check the condition of the water. If water appears cloudy, hazy, or greenish, bring us a sample for a free water analysis. You may need to add a non-chlorine shock or a polymer-based algaecide to keep your water in the pristine condition you'll want to see when you open your pool next spring.
If your pool is open . . .
If you keep your pool open during the winter, make sure the pump is running and circulating the water during freezing temperatures. Moving water resists freezing, so if your system is on a timer, make sure your system is running during the hours when temperatures are likely to be near or below freezing. You may want to consider installing a freeze protector that automatically circulates the water before temperatures can become hazardous to your equipment.
Winter maintenance for open pools
Continue to clean the pool throughout the winter. A skimmer basket full of leaves and other debris can inhibit water flow, making your pump work harder and leaving your pipes, pump, and filter at much higher risk for freezing.
Monitor the pool chemicals, just as you would in the summer. Make sure to bring in a water sample every two weeks so we can help you maintain the right chemical balance.
Winter is a good time for maintenance!
Winter is actually the best time for some of those maintenance tasks you're too busy to think about during the spring and summer.
​For example, the sand in your filter should be changed out every three years for in-ground pools and every two years for above-ground pools. If your filter needs a sand change or your pool equipment needs maintenance or repair, this is a great time to put our team to work. They have more time now to devote to your needs, and your pool will be ready to go when we welcome back those wonderfully-warm spring temperatures!
We're here to help!
Contact us if you have questions or need help making sure your pool equipment will stay safe during freezing weather. We care about you and your pool, and we're here to provide you with outstanding service—all year long!